Space Jamz: Sampling the Stars
Space Jamz: Sampling the Stars
Underwater Meteorite Hunters
Underwater Meteorite Hunters
Origami Glider Challenge
Origami Glider Challenge
I collaborated with the Adler's Far Horizons High Altitude Ballooning program to design this STEAM experience. Our goal was to incorporate more hands-on, arts infused programming on the floor of the museum. Using inspiration from the origami engineering at NASA and NASA's mars glider program, we created an Origami Mars Glider Experience.
NASA Origami engineering inspired.
NASA Origami engineering inspired.
Guests meet a facilitator
Guests meet a facilitator
They attach their origami lander to the balloon.
They attach their origami lander to the balloon.
Guests learned about the NASA programs, the red planet, and the paper folding tradition. They then used the engineering design process to plan, build, and test their origami gliders from a great height.
Giddiness ensues.
Giddiness ensues.
The balloon is lofted high in the air and the guest presses the release when ready.
The balloon is lofted high in the air and the guest presses the release when ready.
For engineers of all ages.
For engineers of all ages.
The planned spectacle of the lofted balloon and the cheers from the participants drew a crowd and created a thrilling, participatory experience for all ages. 
Our goal was to create a hands-on, space inspired, music making interactive for teens and young adults to be utilized in after school hangouts, public programs, and Adler After Dark (Adler's 21+ event). I collaborated with front end developers of Adler Planetarium's Zooniverse Team to design this interactive experience.
A Cosmic DJ  Sampling the Music of the Cosmos
A Cosmic DJ Sampling the Music of the Cosmos
Guests learned how light waves can be played like sound waves, and that the energy of stars and planets can make music. Given simple music editing software and a library of sounds from space, guests could loop and mix the sounds of space into their very own SPACE JAMZ. Examples below.

Adler Teens participated in Space Jamz and made their own Cosmic Mix Tape

This event was popular for all ages and was used for partnership opportunities with the parks department.
My goal was to build an engineering challenge that was inspired by the ongoing underwater meteorite hunt led by the Adler Planetarium: The Aquarius Project.  I collaborated with the facilitation team to design an interactive experience that mirrored the design process of the team on this mission.
Guests would learn about the Aquarius Project story, the physical properties of space rocks, and the challenges of underwater exploration. They would then design an underwater sled with this new understanding. They would tow their magnetic underwater sled behind their boat through the meteorite strewn field and attempt to reel in a "sunken space rock." 
This experience was mobile and was facilitated on the museum floor, design lab, and in libraries and public events around the city.

Adler Interns share the sled challenge at the Southside Maker Faire

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