Adler Planetarium in Mozilla Hubs created by Patrick McPike
Adler Planetarium in Mozilla Hubs created by Patrick McPike
The Adler Planetarium Guide
The Adler Planetarium Guide
A birds eye view of the Virtual Field Trip
A birds eye view of the Virtual Field Trip
Virtual Field Trips at the Adler Planetarium
Pivoting to 100% digital field trips during a pandemic took a creative approach at the Adler Planetarium. The team chose to build an entire 3D world within Mozilla Hubs. I aided in crafting the narrative path the user takes within the virtual world, storyboarded with educators, collaborated with designers, gathered user feedback, and helped to incorporate it for a learner centered experience.

Written, Edited, Filmed & Narrated by Chris Bresky

My team took care to provide the virtual explorer with digital guides, video tutorials, and a live personal educator. These were developed to be welcoming, engaging, and whimsical; to put the learner at ease in a new 3D environment.

Directed, Filmed, and Edited by Chris Bresky Written by Adriana Guzman & Chris Bresky

Directed, Filmed, and Edited by Chris Bresky Written by Adriana Guzman & Chris Bresky

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